Agreement Component

The agreement widget in Teramine Forms allows you to create an agreement such as a price or service agreement step in your form. Your users can then agree (or disagree) with the terms and conditions displayed within. When the users complete the step, the agreement or disagreement is recorded.

This step can be used in a form for various purposes including:

  • Informing users of important stuff they need to agree to.
  • Notifying them of price changes and getting their agreement.
  • Informing your users that their payment method will be charged for something and getting their agreement.
  • Changes to terms and conditions of a website.
  • Getting user's to agree with your privacy policy.
  • And much more.
Display an agreement to users and record their acceptance.

The Agreement Component supports some features which allows for some advanced use-cases. Once you enter an agreement text into the component and save it, the agreement is saved as a version and cannot be subsequently changed. If you do make changes to the agreement, it is saved as a new version.

What is the benefit of this? Useful in marketing promotions.

It allows you to offer special terms or pricing to users and record those users who agreed to these terms. This way you can run a marketing promotion for your product or service, maybe during Christmas or Summer holidays, and track those users who agreed to it so you can fulfill the agreement. Once the period expires, you can choose a different version of the agreement.

Let us now review the steps for adding the agreement component to your form.

  • Begin by creating a new form. We change the name to Agreement Form.
  • Add the Agreement Input to the form.
  • The agreement body is required. Enter the text and format it as rich text using the controls, including text color and bulleted lists. Make it look as nice as possible.
  • At this point you will notice there is no version attached to the document.
  • Click the Save Changes button and the document will be saved as version 1
  • Click Save Changes again to accept the changes.
  • Save the form, publish it and view your form. Notice the agreement shown.
  • Next, let us change the agreement. It gets saved as a new version. This allows you to keep previous versions of the agreement around in case some users have accepted it.
  • Click the component in the form view to edit it.
  • Start editing the agreement text. You will notice a star (*) appearing after the version to indicate it has been modified.
  • When you click Save Changes the document will be saved as a new version which is displayed below the document editor.
  • Click Save Changes again to accept the document version.
  • After you save and publish the document, you will notice that the new version is shown to users.
  • As a user, click "I agree" or "I don't agree" in the form.
  • Close the form, and check the Submissions tab on your form editor.
  • When you check the data for the Agreement Input step, you will notice docVersion as well as whether the user agreed to it or not.
  • Let us now edit the Agreement Input step again and change the document version back to 1 (was 2 before.)
  • Save the form, publish it and preview the form.
  • You will now see version 1 of your document.
  • Again, agree or disagree with the agreement, complete the form and return to the Submissions tab.
  • You will notice the submission result (Agree or Not Agree) along with the document version has been recorded properly.


The Agreement Component is an easy to use form builder component which allows you to show an agreement to users and collect their response. It also allows you to maintain different versions of the agreement and also records which users agreed to which version of your document. This helps you in marketing and targeting different market segments with appropriate promotions and also record these responses.