Feedback form

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A feedback form is a tool used to collect information from customers, clients, or employees about their experiences, opinions, and satisfaction levels regarding a product, service, event, or workplace environment. It is an essential instrument for gathering insights that can help improve quality, identify areas for development, and enhance overall satisfaction.

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Feedback form FAQs

  1. Introduction

    • Brief explanation of the purpose of the form.
    • Instructions on how to complete it.
  2. Contact Information (Optional)

    • Name
    • Email address
    • Phone number
  3. Rating Scales

    • Likert scale (e.g., 1 to 5 or 1 to 10) for rating satisfaction, quality, or likelihood to recommend.
    • Options to rate specific aspects (e.g., service, cleanliness, product quality).
  4. Open-Ended Questions

    • Space for detailed comments or suggestions.
    • Questions to gather qualitative data on experiences and opinions.
  5. Multiple-Choice Questions

    • Specific questions with predefined answer options.
    • Useful for identifying common trends and issues.
  6. Demographic Information (Optional)

    • Age, gender, location, etc.
    • Helps in analyzing feedback from different demographic groups.
  7. Follow-Up Information

    • Asking if the respondent would like a follow-up contact.
    • Space to leave additional contact details if necessary.
  8. Thank You Note

    • Expressing gratitude for taking the time to provide feedback.

Purposes and Uses of a Feedback Form

  1. Improving Products and Services

    • Identify Issues: Helps identify specific problems or areas for improvement.
    • Enhance Quality: Provides insights into how products or services can be improved.
  2. Measuring Customer Satisfaction

    • Satisfaction Levels: Gauges how satisfied customers are with the product or service.
    • Customer Loyalty: Measures the likelihood of customers returning or recommending the business.
  3. Understanding Customer Needs

    • Customer Preferences: Understand what customers value most.
    • Market Trends: Identify emerging trends and preferences in the market.
  4. Employee Feedback

    • Workplace Environment: Gather insights on employee satisfaction and workplace conditions.
    • Performance Reviews: Collect feedback on management performance and team dynamics.
  5. Event Feedback

    • Event Evaluation: Assess the success of an event, including organization, content, and overall experience.
    • Future Improvements: Collect suggestions for future events.
  6. Improving Customer Service

    • Service Quality: Identify strengths and weaknesses in customer service.
    • Training Needs: Determine areas where staff may need additional training.
  7. Engagement and Retention

    • Customer Engagement: Engage customers by showing that their opinions matter.
    • Retention Strategies: Use feedback to develop strategies for retaining customers or employees.

Example of a Feedback Form Structure


Thank you for choosing [Company Name]. We value your feedback and would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to share your experience with us.

Contact Information (Optional)

  • Name:
  • Email:
  • Phone:

Rating Scales

  1. How satisfied were you with our service? (1 = Very Dissatisfied, 5 = Very Satisfied)
  2. How would you rate the quality of our product? (1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent)

Open-Ended Questions

  1. What did you like most about our service?
  2. Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. How did you hear about us?

    • Friend/Family
    • Online Search
    • Social Media
    • Advertisement
    • Other: _______
  2. Would you recommend us to others?

    • Yes
    • No

Demographic Information (Optional)

  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Location:

Follow-Up Information

Would you like us to contact you regarding your feedback?

  • Yes
  • No If yes, please provide your preferred contact method: _______

Thank You Note

Thank you for your time and valuable feedback. We look forward to serving you again!

After you complete editing your new form and are satisfied with its look and feel, you can browse over to the "Share" section of the editor. Here you can copy the URL and share it on your website, or email it. You can also use the link to share on your social media. A QR code is also shown and you can copy this image and share it where users can easily scan the code with a mobile phone. You could also embed the form directly on your website or blog making it easier for people to access your form.

Yes, you can. After you use the template form to create a new form, you can edit various details including the messages shown to the user, colors, fonts and more. You can also apply a theme matching your brand colors. This will make your form more appealing to your users.